Harper learns from Stars experience

Breaking into the Victorian Sheffield Shield team last season and on the cusp of earning a position in the Stars line-up, opportunities are starting to present themselves for one of our up-and-coming players.

Starting with the club as a Development Rookie in BBL|04, Sam Harper’s hard work and dedication are why his game is improving in leaps and bounds, and there is much excitement about what this 20-year-old is capable of.

But for Harper, it’s all about being a part of a team – something bigger than the individual – and the relationships and experiences had with teammates that really make his cricket, and particularly his time with the Stars, enjoyable.

“I think the culture that Flem [Head Coach Stephen Flemming] brought into the group last year has just carried over this year and with the same team, people aren’t meeting each other for the first time. We’ve already spent months together just enjoying each other’s company and having a good time,” he said.

“I think the Big Bash really allows us to have some fun and really enjoy spending time with the team. Just recently we’ve had a karaoke night, the Season Launch and a Christmas Party, and with everyone staying in the same hotel together we’re always doing things with each other.”

Harper’s love of the team environment even extends into his life outside of cricket where he is currently studying at Deakin University.

“I’m currently doing a PE and Health degree but I’m going to change into Exercise Science next year. I just want to be involved in a sports team so I’m looking to do Physio or Exercise Physiology,” he said.

“I actually find it pretty easy to balance everything. I just make sure I work hard during the day and then I make sure to spend time with my mates when I can. I think that’s really important because of how much cricket can consume you, so it’s good to relax and have a bit of fun. I definitely make sure I find time for that.”

Although Harper has yet to make his debut for the Melbourne Stars, this hasn’t diminished his time with the club at all, finding just being around those players he has looked up to his whole life an invaluable experience.

“I think it’s amazing that you can look around the club and you’ve got guys like Jimmy [James Faulkner] and Maxi [Glenn Maxwell] who will potentially be playing for Australia in the coming months. But then you’ve also got those players who probably won’t be called up but they have pretty much all played for Australia in the past. Pretty much everyone you speak to has international experience,” he said.

“Being a younger bloke and having all those guys around with Huss [David Hussey] as the Captain and having his knowledge and just him as a person to have a chat to is unbelievable. With some of the more experienced guys in the team getting called up to national duties it’s great for younger guys like Gotchy [Seb Gotch] and I and all those other guys coming through as it gives us an opportunity to play with guys we look up to.”

With fellow keeper Peter Handscomb called up to the Australian Test team, the Stars will announce their squad for their Boxing Day clash against the Hurricanes on Sunday with Harper and fellow keeper Tom Triffitt in the mix.

“Triff and I spent a lot of time together last year and this year working together and he’s been really helpful and great to work with. He’s had experience with the T20 game so we’ve done a fair bit of work together.”

“I wouldn’t say I’m feeling any extra pressure over the spot. I’m just excited that it’s an opportunity that if it came it means I could have some fun playing with the boys. But if not it’s just so much fun being a part of the Big Bash and being around everyone and learning as much as I can from everyone.”

Whilst Harper is content to be a part of the club and enjoy the atmosphere that comes during Big Bash season, he is adamant that there is one thing at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

“Obviously we’re in it to win. That’s the main goal. But then having all these great experiences with all these great people and great functions – they’re just added bonuses that make our time during the Big Bash better,” he said.

“I think what we’ve got at the Stars is quite unique to be honest. The culture that we’ve got at the moment – everyone is so strong together. I mean I’ve only ever been with the Stars so I can’t speak for other teams, but from what I can see the culture we’ve set and the guys we’ve got excelling at the next level – we’re obviously doing a lot of things right.”

“I’ve just been very lucky with the opportunities I’ve had, the coaches I’ve had and the players I’ve been able to play with. I’m just loving every step of the journey.”


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